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Showing posts from September, 2007

Let’s learn ColdFusion …

ColdFusion is a simple language to learn and use primarily because it employs a tag-based syntax, which makes the transition between HTML (the language that your Web browser uses to render content) and CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language, the language that ColdFusion uses to generate that content from dynamic data) within your code very natural. Take, for example, the following HTML listing of companies (no CFML is in this code): <table> <tr> <td>13</td> <td>The Very Big Corporation of America</td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td>Ma's Homemade Pies</td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td>Shecky Records</td> </tr> </table> By using ColdFusion's tag-based syntax, you can easily generate this table dynamically from data stored in your database (the CFML is boldfaced in the following example), as follows: <cfquery name="GetCompanies" datasource="MyDatabase"...

What is a CMS ???

This is based on MCMS (Microsoft Content Management Server) The design features of CMS include the ability to create templates that define the layout of the pages for your Web site. These templates will contain placeholders for content that is created by your business users. Using the Web Author tool, users can: Create, modify, and delete pages Copy and move pages Create connected pages that share source content with other pages but display that information in different ways Submit pages for review and approval   The Authoring Connector can be used to submit a Microsoft Word document to the Web site and associate that document with a particular task that has been created in the Web site. When the author selects a task, the task itself will perform the required functions, abstracting the author from the workflow required to correctly publish the document to the Web site. Hence, it becomes as simple as using Word to create the document and then submitting the document under a chosen task...