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Showing posts from January, 2010

How to call a web method by JavaScript

I didn’t get a time to write something here for a long time. Yes I can say I was busy. (But I was not :)) Anyway I thought to write about something finally and I promise (this is a serious promise) that I will try to do something (do a posting actually) on my blog more frequently. The ability to call the web methods by JavaScript on .net is very very useful and we can implement the web pages more efficiently by using this. For example we do not need to send whole page and update. Yes this is AJAX (that what I think). Here is a web method example. It should be on the aspx page code behind and should be a static (shared) method. I have tried to insert the web methods on user controls and was unable to do so (if you know a way please share with us). This is on _ Public Shared Function GetMyData(ByVal studentID As Integer, ByVal schoolID As Integer) As Student Dim studentService As New StudentService() Dim result As Student = studentService.GetStudent(studentI...