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Showing posts from 2013

Time Management by Brian Tracy

Was lucky to have a chance to watch a video done by Brian Tracy on Time Management. It was great and thought to do a short note on that. Here is the note and the video. Here is the note I took by listening to it. Goals - what is it you want to accomplish ? personal/family goals business/financial goals self development goals Plans of Action - put it in writing Analysis - Make a list (make the list of day before evening - to do list) Set Priorities - what is relevant and irrelevant ? what is the most valuable use of my time ? Concentration - Learn how ! - work on single task at time until it is completed Deadlines and Rewards - positive logical consequences. Time Log - where is all your time going ? Procrastination - positive or negative - Do it now! Do it now! Do it now! - get the job done fast Delegate - delegate everything you can - Clarity Think what you want done - write it down Pick the right person to do it Crystal clear on what you want done and wh...

Safari is randomly switching images on ios 5

Developed a Facebook app for mobiles and it was loading a lot of images through several AJAX requests. And was working fine on simulators tried and was given to Client for testing. But suddenly was receiving screenshots of the app that appears sooo wired. With the details of the versions and devise he was testing I just Googled regarding this and found it is an error or a bug or a mistake or something that happens on Safari on iOS 5. Best result found on this matter, Successfully tested on latest iOS versions and also on few android devices and they were fine. My suggestion is please update your OS if you still got iOS 5.

Concat columns on GROUP BY in MySQL by Using GROUP_CONCAT

I was asked to give a report on the Invitations table as follows. What I wanted to give as the result is the invitee details per inviter. So simply I do not want to repeat the "inviter". Invitations invitee_name inviter invitee gayan          345         4654 kosala          345         7655 chamara          567         7653 nilanka          567         1236 So basic query for the demanding result is "SELECT * FROM Invitations GROUP BY inviter;"  But then what happens is some results are omitted. So I need to concat the "invitee" and "invitee_name" columns when grouping by 'inviter'. For this MySQL simply gives a function as “GROUP_CONCAT”. Details can be seen on

Google API v3 with PHP using Blogger service

It was really hard for me to understand how the Google APIs are working at the first point and took few days for me to figure out. But after a successful working prototype it seems very easy. And also when I am searching for a simple example I was unable to find a good one that I can understand. So let me list down step by step what I have done with URLs and as simple as I can. Create a Google app location - Switch on the "Blogger API v3" Get the latest APIs client library for PHP location - Upload the files to your host location on on localhost Extract the files to folder  named "GoogleClientApi" Create your php file outside of the folder  Copy paste following code into the file and do the changes as needed  By changing the scope and the service object you can access all the services that is given by Google APIs through the PHP API l...