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Time Management by Brian Tracy

Was lucky to have a chance to watch a video done by Brian Tracy on Time Management. It was great and thought to do a short note on that. Here is the note and the video.

Here is the note I took by listening to it.

  1. Goals - what is it you want to accomplish ?
    1. personal/family goals
    2. business/financial goals
    3. self development goals
  2. Plans of Action - put it in writing
  3. Analysis - Make a list (make the list of day before evening - to do list)
  4. Set Priorities - what is relevant and irrelevant ? what is the most valuable use of my time ?
  5. Concentration - Learn how ! - work on single task at time until it is completed
  6. Deadlines and Rewards - positive logical consequences.
  7. Time Log - where is all your time going ?
  8. Procrastination - positive or negative - Do it now! Do it now! Do it now! - get the job done fast
  9. Delegate - delegate everything you can - Clarity
    1. Think what you want done - write it down
    2. Pick the right person to do it
    3. Crystal clear on what you want done and when you want done
    4. Check, Review, Inspect
  10. Meetings - An essential part of human life
    1. Clear on purpose of the meeting
    2. Agenda
    3. Deal with the most important tasks first
    4. Start and Stop meeting at time
  11. Interruptions - Telephone and walk-in visitors.
    1. Do not be a slave to telephone
    2. Most people are time wasters
  12. Key result areas - what key results have you been hired to accomplish?
  13. Batching tasks - Group your responsibilities - group your tasks Same pattern ones at a time 0
  14. Neatness - Clean up your work environment
    1. Throw it away
    2. Refer - if not relevant
    3. Action - put all in action folder
    4. File - file it away
  15. Chunks of time - Allow time for important work - get up early in the morning like 5 am and get 2 uninterrupted hours of time
    1. You cannot do administrative and creative work together
  16. Transition time - Learn more to earn more
    1. spend 1 hour per day on own to learn new things (2 hours better)
    2. Coffee breaks, lunch time, driving time
  17. Telephone - A powerful business tool!
    1. get on and get off fast
    2. Treat as a meeting by wire
  18. Punctuality - Get a reputation for being on time
  19. Work simplification - systemize the work process. make fewer mistakes. do things together in teams.
  20. Saying NO - early and often - just say no on irrelevant
  21. Balance - Improve the quality of your life
    1. Health
    2. Peace of mind
    3. Relationships


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