I thought to share a C#.net method that grab all the e-mail addresses from any file and It can be used for validation too.It returns an string array and I hope that you all can add some modifications on it and use it for any purpose you want.
Here is the code.
Here is the code.
public static String[] readEmails(string file) { int k = 0; StreamReader SR = File.OpenText(file); String S = SR.ReadLine(); DictionaryYou have to pass the file that contains the e-mail addresses as a parameter. For eg:F:\\date2.txt If you have come up with any problem in using this do not hesitate to put a comment and I hope I'll be able to answer you.myemails = new Dictionary (); string pattern = @"\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*"; Regex re = new Regex(pattern); while (S != null) { MatchCollection matches = re.Matches(S); if (matches.Count > 0) for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) myemails.Add(i,matches[i].ToString()); S = SR.ReadLine(); } string[] email = new string[myemails.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < myemails.Count; i++) email[i]=myemails[i]; Array.Sort(email); SR.Close(); return email; }
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