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Showing posts from February, 2008

window.onbeforeunload on IE 7

I was tried to track when a user is just going to away from a web page by using JavaScript. That was pretty possible with the window.onbeforeunload it worked fine. But fine until my project QA team found that it does not work with Internet Explorer 7. window.onbeforeunload is working with the Firefox and IE 6 but it does not work with IE 7 (in the same manner with other browsers). So I was able to find a solution for that. var goodExit = false; window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; function = confirmExit() { if(your any condition) { goodExit = true; //then that confirmation will not be asked } if(!goodExit) { return 'Are you sure to navigate away ?'; //this will display on confirmation } } //there should not any returns on the function confirmExit. You can make the goodExit true when the page is doing submit or any other that we do not need a confirmation.And also do not assign true or false to window.onbeforeunload. Because it may lead to a ...

How to Install ColdFusion 8 on Linux?

It was real pain for me to install ColdFusion on my Linux box with Apache. Anyway we have installed it and I thought to share it because this may help you also to install ColdFusion on a Linux box. First of all open a shell and then continue on this. Grant Execute permission to the Coldfusion ‐ 8 ‐ lin.bin binary file chmod +x Coldfusion ‐ 8 ‐ lin.bin Execute Coldfusion ‐ 8 ‐ lin.bin ./Coldfusion ‐ 8 ‐ lin.bin Enter the Locale 1 (English) Hit Enter 28 times to continue the agreement Enter "Y" to accept the agreement Enter the version to install 3 (Developer Edition) Enter the next task to perform 1 (Server Configuration) Enter whether you have an existing server configuration 2 (No existing server configuration) Enter the next task to perform 5 (continue installation) Enter the installation path Hit enter to accept the default path Hit Enter 30 times to continue the agreement Enter "Y" to accept the agreement ...

How to write and execute an Oracle function

Here is an example of a function on Oracle. Then given following is a procedure that called the function. I have used them to implement the paging function. Here is the Function. create or replace FUNCTION "RETURN_EMPLOYEE" (argEmailAddress IN EMPLOYEE.EmailAddress%TYPE) return EMPLOYEE_NESTED_TABLE as V_RET EMPLOYEE_NESTED_TABLE; CURSOR C1 IS SELECT EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEId, EMPLOYEE.Name, EMPLOYEE.Stake, EMPLOYEE.CreatedDate, EMPLOYEE.StartDate, EMPLOYEE.EndDate, EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEDurationId, EMPLOYEEMember.EMPLOYEEMemberStatusId, EMPLOYEEMember.UPDATENOTIFIED FROM EMPLOYEE,EMPLOYEEMember WHERE EMPLOYEEMember.EmailAddress = argEmailAddress AND EMPLOYEE.EMPLOYEEId = EMPLOYEEMember.EMPLOYEEId AND EMPLOYEEMember.EMPLOYEEMemberStatusId IN(2,5,6) ORDER BY EMPLOYEEId; i NUMBER := 0; begin V_RET := EMPLOYEE_NESTED_TABLE (); FOR C1_REC IN C1 LOOP i := i + 1; ...

How to Make Yourself INSANELY Useful

I've got a mail which says to make your attitude a better one and this may help you very much on your career. I was really busy on past days with my tight scheduled project so I was unable to post anything for about 2 months. Anyway if there is a will there is a way!!! All of us want to be useful to others in some way. We want to feel needed, competent — like we're making a difference, in some small way. Some people, though, are insanely useful. They are the go-to people whenever someone needs help. They're the people that make us feel useful because we know them — when someone needs something done, we can say "Oh, I know just the person!" It's not necessarily that they're smarter, better connected, or more competent — what makes someone insanely useful is their attitude . The not only help, but they make the people they help feel better about themselves, not worse. Needing help makes us feel vulnerable and worthless — insanely useful people counterac...