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How to Install ColdFusion 8 on Linux?

It was real pain for me to install ColdFusion on my Linux box with Apache. Anyway we have installed it and I thought to share it because this may help you also to install ColdFusion on a Linux box.

First of all open a shell and then continue on this.

Grant Execute permission to the Coldfusion8lin.bin binary file

chmod +x Coldfusion8lin.bin

Execute Coldfusion8lin.bin


Enter the Locale

1 (English)

Hit Enter 28 times to continue the agreement

Enter "Y" to accept the agreement

Enter the version to install

3 (Developer Edition)

Enter the next task to perform

1 (Server Configuration)

Enter whether you have an existing server configuration

2 (No existing server configuration)

Enter the next task to perform

5 (continue installation)

Enter the installation path

Hit enter to accept the default path

Hit Enter 30 times to continue the agreement

Enter "Y" to accept the agreement

Enter the serial number

Hit Enter for no serial number

Enter whether you have an existing CF installation

2 (no existing CF installation)

Enter the next task to perform

1 (Add Web Server Configuration)

Enter the web server to configure

1 (Apache)

Enter the path to the directory containing the Apache config file (httpd.conf)


Enter the path to the Apache binary files


Enter the path to the Apache control file


Enter the next task to perform

4 (continue with the installation)

Enter the path to the web root

Hit enter to select the default location

Create a new Linux user (it is better to have a Linux user as admin before installation begins)

Ex: admin/Password

Enter the username


Enter the password


Confirm password


Enter whether you need to enable RDS

Y (Enable RDS)

Enter the password for RDS


Confirm RDS password


Hit enter to exit the installer

When installation completes the installer will prompt you to start the ColdFusion server

Change directory to the ColdFusion binary directory

cd /opt/coldfusion8/bin

Start coldfusion8

./coldfusion start

There are three possible messages you will get

Installation successful

Installation failed

Installation failed and retry for 12 times

If you are done with the installation successfully please ignore following instructions

Installer normally don't update file paths correctly please edit following two files for the given file paths,





Apache config file (httpd.conf): /etc/httpd/conf

Apache binary files: /usr/sbin/httpd

Apache control file: /etc/init.d/httpd

Check whether you have following file on the file system,


If Yes, go to label "Final"

If No, Continue with following instructions,

Grant permission to following three files (permissions should be same as the httpd file)






chcon ‐‐reference=/usr/sbin/httpd \/opt/coldfusion8/bin/

chcon ‐‐reference=/usr/sbin/httpd \/opt/coldfusion8/bin/connectors/

chcon ‐‐reference=/usr/sbin/httpd \/opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar

Start ColdFusion Server

Change directory to the ColdFusion binary directory

cd /opt/coldfusion8/bin

Restart coldfusion8

./coldfusion stop

./coldfusion start

Check whether you have following file on the file system,


Yes it should be in the file system. Continue with the following instructions,


Grant permission to following file (permissions should be same as the httpd file)




chcon ‐‐reference=/usr/sbin/httpd \/opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/

Restart coldfusion8

./coldfusion stop

./coldfusion start

Start the apache server

You are done with the installation

Access the site

Continue the wizard and you are ready to use the ColdFusion server.



  1. Nice tutorial. Thanks!

  2. hi - I'm stuck on the part with the chcon commands - should there be a backslash in the middle of the command - or is that a line-break character?

    I've tried to input the commands inserting the correct paths for my own install but all i get is the message "no data available"

    please help !

  3. yes ben there should be a back slash in the middle of the command.(it is not a line break)

    Please check whether u have installed apache and coldfusion on the specified locations.

  4. One tip to add is to be sure that apache-devel is installed otherwise coldfusion can't use the apache/apx to build the connector.

    And if you are having problems be sure to look at the wsconfig.log in: /opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/wsconfig

  5. Does this step by step work for Coldfusion 8 Standard 32-bit on 64-bit RHEL5? I hope so. :)

  6. Hi Rocco,
    I haven't tried on RHELS5 but hopefully this will work on that also.

  7. It should work on RHELS5 because it worked for me on a VPS running Centos 5 which is supposedly the same (I think)

  8. Looks like I am having the same issues as Ben. The chcon command comes back with a "no data available" error. Adobe doesn't make this easy, do they? :)

    I have confirmed that the apache binary is located in the location of /usr/sbin/httpd

  9. Hi, thanks for the instructions.. it worked without a flaw in CENTOS5.2
    Just some pointers.
    1) disable SELINUX (if its not an issue )
    2) make sure httpd-devel is installed prior.
    3) Do not include java install during install.
    4) When you create admin account for cfserver to use make sure your passwords match when you provide it to CF install
    5) CF programmers your application.cfc should be actually Application.cfc or Application.cfm and OnRequestEnd.cfm (Linux is very picky)
    Again thank you for this post.

  10. I think Rocco and Ben got that answers from last Anonymous comment.
    Please let me know if this steps helped and working fine.
    Anyway thanks for the tip "Anonymous".

  11. Great tutorial. Thanks!

  12. Hi,

    This also works for CF9... we tried it on CENTOS and worked without a problem.

    Thank you...

  13. I love you. Freaking excellent instructions. Took me all of about 10 minutes to get everything installed.

  14. Great instructions... Thank you.

    How would I access /var/www/html from the browser?
    My install was not on localhost.

  15. so you don't have to download CF to your server? I have a GoDaddy Apache/Linux VPS.

    I can just use the tut above with Putty and that's it?

  16. @Derrick
    that's carrect, except that you should be careful to make sure your VPS has enough RAM assigned to it. I'm fairly sure you'll need at least 768MB just to install it on the VPS - once installed it will prbably run with less RAM allocation. The installer is very memory hungry though as I recall.

  17. thanks. i understand the commands in the tut above, but not sure where to start. i tried with putty and got an error.
    can you point me to more info. not sure even where to put the binary file. just confused about the "big picture" here.
    so the CF i download from Adobe and install on my computer first? do you run the installation on server from you pc?
    do i need to buy CF?

    thanks. this is just out of my range.

  18. >> i tried with putty and got an error.

    What error did you get?

    >> can you point me to more info.

    I spent a few days on this and googled around a lot found information from all sorts of places but this tutorial was definitely the best I found if you're installing CF7 or CF8 (They both behave the same = ie they both have the same bug which stops the web server adapter being installed correctly)

    >> not sure even where to put the binary file

    you can put it in somewhere like /usr/src although it doesn't really matter as the installer will place all of the install files in the right places.

    >> just confused about the "big picture" here.

    If you need CF8 because you're gonna be using some of the functionalities which are not supported by open source CFML application server alternatives such as OpenBlueDragon or Railo then go ahead and install this but you'll have to get a license starting at $1299 for standard edition. Personally I now use a Bluedragon app server on my VPS at - they do all of the difficult installation and their support is very good indeed. I would seriously recommend that if you don't have a spare couple of days (or even weeks or months depending on your familiarity with linux / apache configuration) to invest in learning how to do this then cancel your godaddy account and head over there to Viviotech - I never looked back.

    good luck

  19. seems theres an error on this blog. can't post.

    i received a bad command error for the binary.

    i just need to know how to get what CF i need on my server and installed.

    my programmer did a client site in CF and it is on a slow windows server. i am an apache guy and want to move it to an apache server. if i only need the open source CF, that's fine. not running anything fance i don't believe. just standard CF functions. does this help. i'm in a real bind on this one, as i am a web developer and seo guy, not IT.

    thanks again

  20. Hi I'am Mahmut

    I'm getting the following error during installation. Please help me

    [root@netixir src]# ./ColdFusion_9_WWE_linux.bin
    Preparing to install...
    Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
    Unpacking the JRE...
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

    Launching installer...

    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    Could not reserve enough space for object heap
    Could not create the Java virtual machine.

  21. This means there's not enough physical memory available to run the installer. I don[t know about CF9 but CF8 required a minimum of 768MB to install. Once installed the amount required to run the service is considerably less. If you're on a VPS you'll have to upgrade the memory allocation.

  22. I have installed CF8 on RHEL5 w/apache2.2
    After much hair pulling I finally have it set up

    BUT now when I try to open CFIDE/administrator/login.cfm

    I get:

    coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage$NoSuchTemplateException: Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface /opt/coldfusion8/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cftags/component.cfc.

    I have checked , and /opt/coldfusion8/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cftags/component.cfc.
    exists and has proper permissions and owners.

    I can't seem to find much out there on this error.

    Any ideas?

  23. Hi,

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.

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  24. Hi,

    I have installed CF8 successfully. But when I try to run any .cfm template then it gives error of file not found. Any idea what could be wrong when file is there? apache server configured successfully.

  25. Hi,
    Thanks for the tutorial, looks very helpful for me. I had same problem as

    I have installed CF8 successfully. But when I try to run any .cfm template then it gives error of file not found. Any idea what could be wrong when file is there? apache server configured successfully.

    on my previous attempt... will post back tomorro if it works for me...

    (i realise this post is a few years after the start but its good to keep sites like this high in the google pages!)

  26. I don’t know how should I give you thanks! I am totally stunned by your article. You saved my time. Thanks a million for sharing this article.

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