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MCMS Manager 6.2

I thought of writing a posting on a software which is very very useful when we are on MCMS(Microsoft Content Management Server) projects.I'm on such a project and you may agree with me if you have that experience.It is very very hard to modify a posting when something went wrong. But there is a solution for this it is MCMS manager 6.2.

By using this it is very easy to manage postings on MCMS. And also it is an open source project.

Here what MCMS manager people have to say >>

"In Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) after the creation of the
sites, to do modification to the postings there were no common way to
do so. Mostly when something goes wrong with postings, it would be
handy if there is a tool to analyze it.

Click here to download MCMS manager 6.2. And also Thank god its free & open source.You can download the source of it also in that site.


  1. very nice blog, Gayan. I shall translate my blog (the one you visited with our house) into english. You are very familiar in high tech topics. Great thing to share so easily things across the world.
    regards, thomas

  2. hi, how are you??? Exculse me for my bad english!!! Tanks for your visite in my blog ( How do you think about exchange of links?
    Have a good weekend.....

  3. ;) greetings from portugal! i will come often to visit your blog!

  4. U're blog is 2 cool. Visit my one


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