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What are the technological areas covered on this blog ??

Before starting into the cuttingEdge technologies I think first we have to see what are the main areas that world's current trends are on.
Here is the list of technologies that I am pretty interested about.
  • Automobile
      • This is a technological area that comes new ones frequently and here are the areas that is described under this section >> Alternative fuel, Models, Options and Accessories, Safety and Engine.
  • Communication
      • I don't know how to categories the communication field into subcategories but I am going to give you the latest technologies on communication.
  • Computer
      • Basically computer science field is the most popular field on the upcoming technologies. It can be categorized as >> Hardware, Internet, Peripherals, Security and Software
  • Electronics
      • This is a field that gets CuttingEdge technology so often. Here are the fields that I am on >> Small parts on electronics, Business solutions, Computers, Gadgets and Telecommunications.
  • Entertainment
      • On Entertainment I'm about to write how the latest technology is used on >> Arts, Moves, Music, Sports, Television, Toys and Games
  • Health
      • Under health I'm trying to give you an idea on >> Diseases and Conditions, Drugs, Fitness, Health care and Nutrition
  • Science
      • Here is the topics comes under Science >> Earth Science, Engineering, Life Search, Military, Physical science, Space and Supernatural
  • Travel
      • In this topic I am going to talk about >> Destinations, Planning, Travel Safety, Transportation and Travelers Gadgets.
If you are much more interested on a field or you thinks that there is another field on cuttingEdge technology pleas leave a comment.


  1. Hi!

    You hav visit my blog.
    And now i look at your blog!


  2. why dont u put my blog name on ur page? :)

  3. Ya, Galee,
    this is fantastic. Nice looking. Well structured. In your posts please explain it with examples. I like this. Keep it going.......

  4. I think u r doing good job by publishing cutting edge technologies...

    I like ur interested technologies and I think I can get update from them.

    Ur template is very nice but one thing to tell u it is not clearly visible....

    If u can change font color little bit dark that may be good...
    I dont think is it ok....

    If this page more attractive and it may suitable for ur topic....

    "Unu kewum ne.... :-) "

    Thanks and good luck.....

  5. Hey Galee,

    Nice to see your blog, but if you never mind pls increase the contrast of your theme! It is not easily readable!
    (Hope you can remember our beloved SAD sir has taught us these things!)

  6. i checked out your blog. neat! i'll come back another time for more cool information and/or stuff. see ya later!

  7. Hi
    I have difficulty reading the text. Try experimenting with the font and colour.
    Best wishes in building a readership. I think you will be interested in tomorrows (25th May) blog posted on

  8. Hi, I like your blog, I will come back...
    Thanks for visiting my blog


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